Material Cycle
Recycling Plastic Instead of Destroying It
Plastics are precious raw materials that are too valuable for single use. Plastic products should be kept in circulation for as long as possible in order to save and replace resources.
Recycling plastic makes optimum use of energy, as the gray energy is completely retained and the production of recycled plastic requires half as much energy as the production of new plastic.
Plastics Processor
High-Quality, Unmixed Regranulation
The unmixed plastics are sent to specialized plastics processors such as InnoPlastics AG in Eschlikon for processing.
There, the plastics are shredded, washed, separated and dried. The clean flakes are melted down, extruded and processed into pellets.
Cement Industry
Mixed Plastics as a Substitute for Coal
Mixed plastics that cannot be recycled are fed into the cement industry as a substitute fuel for coal. Each tonne of substitute fuel replaces 1.2 to 1.5 tons of hard coal or lignite.
Cement Products
The products made from the cement are used in Swiss house and road construction.
Collection Bag
Collecting Household Plastics - Here's How
Household plastics should not be thrown away after use, as many of the materials are recyclable. This is where the collection bag comes into play: it can be purchased at numerous points of sale and later filled and returned to collection points.
Recycling Company
Quality Control and Compacted Transportation
The collected collection bags are checked by our collection partners, such as InnoRecycling AG, for incorrect waste before the bales are compressed and transported for sorting.
Products Made from Recycled Material
From Old to New
The products made from the recycled pellets can be recycled again if they are produced in the same type. Cable conduits, canisters, films, etc. are made from the regranulate. Applications such as bottles, buckets and other products are also possible.
New Plastic from Old Plastic
The high-quality regranulate is used in the production of bottles, pipes or films, for example.
Sorting Plant
High-Quality Sorting with Near-Infrared
In the sorting plant, the bales are unloaded, torn open and loosened up. The plastics are transported via a complex system of fully automatic conveyor belts. Near-infrared scanners identify the different materials. Compressed air valves then separate them precisely. Despite this modern technology, a manual check is still carried out to ensure the best possible result. The sorting system thus achieves a purity value of 95 to 98%.
Material Cycle
How Plastic Gets a New Lease of Life
If plastic is collected, sorted and processed correctly, it can be recycled two, three, four or more times. Our film shows how this is ensured with the "Bring Plastic back" collection bag.