Production Process
Step by Step to New Recyclable Material
Delivered as sorted plastic waste - processed into a valuable raw material for new applications. Take a look at our production process and discover the seven process steps that lead to our high-quality end product. Our production facility with around 20 employees meets the highest standards and produces Regranulate for your applications. See for yourself - step by step.
Most of the LDPE, HDPE and PP plastics are delivered in bales and stored temporarily.
Crush & Grind
The bales are then transported on a conveyor belt into a large shredder, where the plastics get shredded into approx. 100 mm pieces. In the grinder, the pieces are finely ground to a size of around 25 mm.
Washing & Separation
The shredded plastics are washed several times in friction washers to remove foreign matter such as labels and foodstuffs. The last foreign plastics can be separated out in the separating sink process.
The recycled pellets from plastic recycling are homogenised in large silos.
Extrusion & Regranulation
The clean and dried flakes are preheated in a cutter compactor using specific recipes and fed to the extruder. The flakes are melted in the extruder, further compacted under pressure via the extruder screw and homogenized. Laser filters and degassing zones are used to remove impurities from the molten mass. After subsequent underwater reorganization, the result is a high-quality regranulate in the shape of a lens, which can be recycled again after use.
The so-called flakes are now separated from the water and dried with hot air in silos.
Storage & Delivery
The finished regranulate is temporarily stored in large sacks (big bags) or silos until delivery.