High-Quality Plastic Regranulate for Your Applications

We Give Plastic a Second Life

We at InnoPlastics AG process plastic waste (PCR: post-consumer recycled) into high-quality plastic regranulate using sophisticated technologies. Each year, our company produces and supplies around 20,000 tons of it. Standard products include the following plastic types: LDPE, HDPE, MDPE and PP. Our family business ist based in the swiss canton of Thurgau and has 50 years of experience in plastic recycling. Since 2000 we run under the name InnoPlastics AG and are based in Eschlikon.


Today, we are one of the most professional and respected companies in the industry. Customers of our plastic regranulate include the pipe, film, hollow-body and injection molding industries in Switzerland and EU countries.

tons of CO2 saved
tons of regranulate produced annually
kWh of solar power produced per year

We Make Plastic Sustainable

Our Products for Your Applications




All the latest news about closing the loop, plastic recycling and our company

Projektstart: Entwicklung geschlossener Kreisläufe für Lebensmittelkontakt rPP

Projektstart: Entwicklung geschlossener Kreisläufe für Lebensmittelkontakt rPP

Lebensmittelverpackungen aus recyceltem Kunststoff? Wir finden ja, das sollte möglich sein und freuen uns deshalb sehr, Teil des Innosuisse Projekts…

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Recycling von Wahlplakaten erfreut sich grosser Beliebtheit

Recycling von Wahlplakaten erfreut sich grosser Beliebtheit

Im Oktober 2023 hat die InnoGruppe die Sammlung von Wahl- und Abstimmungsplakaten lanciert. Damit können Parteien, Politikerinnen und Politiker ihre…

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Volle Sonnenpower

Volle Sonnenpower

Da steckt richtig Power drin! Seit einigen Monaten ist die Solaranlage der InnoPlastics AG in Betrieb. Die daraus gewonnene Energie unterstützt die…

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Recycling von Wahl- und Abstimmungsplakaten lanciert

Recycling von Wahl- und Abstimmungsplakaten lanciert

Im Oktober stehen die National- und Ständeratswahlen an. Dafür werben viele Kandidierende und Parteien mit einer Vielzahl von Plakaten. Die meisten…

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Our References

Our Benchmark: Satisfied Customers

MCAM Symalit AG
"As a market-leading Swiss manufacturer of cable conduits and fittings made from recycled and recyclable thermoplastics, we rely on the products of InnoPlastics AG. For many years, our collaboration has been based on the high process reliability and consistently high availability of the Thurgau-based company. It impresses in terms of quality, flexibility, delivery reliability and customer service."

MCAM Symalit AG, Lenzburg
Streng Plastic AG
"As one of the leading suppliers of plastic pipe systems, we enjoy working with our partner InnoPlastics AG. The fast and uncomplicated communication is very convenient for us. In addition, the scheduling of deliveries is optimal; in our many years of cooperation, it has rarely or never happened that a delivery has not worked out as desired."

Nico Roth, Streng Plastic AG, Niederhasli
Franz Elkuch AG
"We have had a partnership with InnoPlastics AG for over 10 years. Our long-standing relationship is characterized by the familiar interaction, the very fast and reliable deliveries and the occasional humorous phone call. Our common goal is to add as much plastic waste as possible to the production cycle as regrind."

Mario Elkuch, Franz Elkuch AG, Salez



Material Cycle

From Collection to Recycled Plastic

A transparent and environmentally conscious material cycle is important to us at InnoPlastics AG. That is why we work together with our sister company InnoRecycling AG and our joint collection system "Bring Plastic back" to close the plastic cycle. Follow the plastic in our cycle from collection to recycled product.

To the InnoPlastics-Cycle